Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bite Me.....Please?

Anyone else pissed they have to wait till NEXT summer for season 3 of TB? HBO's True Blood season finale "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'" aired Sept. 13th leaving 11 Million viewers desperate to find out what will come of Sookie and the rest of Bon Temp now that Psycho Marianne is gone. It just seems like such a long wait. In the end of the episode Bill proposes to an indecisive Sookie and is kidnapped while she struggles with her decision in the bathroom. I'm extremely curious to see how the 3rd Sookie Stackhouse novel "Club Dead," will be inner-twined with the show and how Alcide the Wherewolf will be introduced. I have to be honest, I'm more of an Eric fan than Bill's so I'm also very excited to see how they'll play out some of the scenes between him and Sookie.


HBO officially announced the True Blood:Season 3 will debut June of 2010 insisting that the long break will give Alan Ball time to create a quality show. I'm just going to say that it better be pretty damn good to have to wait nearly a year. I know I'm complaining but truthfully I am a devoted fan of the show and the books equally. Rest assured, no matter the wait, the TB gatherings I host to watch the show each week will indeed continue!