Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fail Video of the Week

Oldie but goodie...this guy is terrible..seriously I'm in pain watching him.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Gargoyle

Ok so I could really ramble on for days about this book but honestly...I really wouldn't be doing it any justice at all. The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson is by far is the best book I've read all year. Here's the Barne's and Noble synopsis.

On a burn ward, a man lies between living and dying, so disfigured that no one from his past life would even recognize him. His only comfort comes from imagining various inventive ways to end his misery. Then a woman named Marianne Engel walks into his hospital room, a wild-haired, schizophrenic sculptress on the lam from the psych ward upstairs, who insists that she knows him – that she has known him, in fact, for seven hundred years. She remembers vividly when they met, in another hospital ward at a convent in medieval Germany, when she was a nun and he was a wounded mercenary left to die. If he has forgotten this, he is not to worry: she will prove it to him.

And so Marianne Engel begins to tell him their story, carving away his disbelief and slowly drawing him into the orbit and power of a word he'd never uttered: love.

This is the book that I recommend to any and all of my guy friends..the ones that actually read anyway. It has grusome details of the burn unite, ancient vikings, porn stars, the works. Try'll like it.

A Whole New Outlook

Ok so I'll admit it...I've judged the women in the stripping/pole dancing industry for their career choices. I still do believe that a lot of those women chose the easy way out by degrading themselves for some good money, and yes for some it is GOOD MONEY. However, I came across a video of the US Pole Dancing Federation Championships of 2009 and let me tell you...It definitely made me think twice about the talent and strength some of these women possess. I'm still not entirel convinced that this requires a ton of brain power but still, I'm impressed!

Fail Video of the Week

LOL wow....she's pretty hardcore up until the light kick!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Wild Things are HERE!

The children's picture book "Where The Wild Things Are," written by Maurice Sendak in 1963, has been made into a full-length feature film by director Spike Jonze that's to be released October 16th.

I can't even begin to explain how excited my 3 year old is. He has yet to sit through and entire movie at the theaters so I'm hoping this will be a first. My husband used to read this to Tyson repeatedly until Tyson could read the book on his own from memory. Scary enough both my husband and I remember sitting at story time in grade school, some 20ish years ago, and being read this book as well.

The story is about a boy named Max who leaves home after having a temper tantrum with his mother. Misunderstood, angry, and, rebellious, Max's imagination takes him to the land of the Wild Things, where he is free to do as he pleases. By the end of the book Max begins to realize that a life without rules and without his family might not be as wondeful as it seems and decides to leave the land of the Wild Things.

I myself am anxious to see how the brought the monsters in the book to life. Watching the movie trailer, I'm amazed at how perfectly they fit with the illustrations of the book. I have high hopes that this movie will live up to Tyson's imaginations of this book, as well as mine own.

Fail Video of the Week

OK I realize this is a bit old but, in starting this weekly post, I couldn't pass up on sharing with those who haven't had the pleasure. YEY for stupid people :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Potty Training and the Rewards System

    For many, training toddlers to use "the big potty" can be stressful and scary for both child and parent. Being a mother of 2 small boys and a childcare provider for the past 4 years, I've done more than my share of assisting and encouraging little ones to use the toilet. Not only can it be frustrating to the parent but also very upsetting for the toddler. Different approaches and techniques appeal to each child. I don't claim to be a professional potty trainer, (hell I'm still working on my 3 year old) but I do have a few tips and tricks that I've picked up along the way that could help you be successful in training your little ones.

1) Be sure both you and your child are ready!
More and more I see mommies in a rush to potty train but remember just because you think It's time for your little one to be out of diapers doesn't necessarily mean that they are. A lot of parents don't make sure they have the time and patients it takes to start the potty training process. There is no set age limit for when your child will be ready. Every kid matures and develops at different ages both mentally and physically. I've seen kids completely potty trained as early as 18 months and as late as 10 years old still wetting the bed at night. I've notice (more often than not) girls are usually the early birds of potty training . Still I can't stress enough about the importance of knowing your child, being able to read them, and not trying to push anything for your own satisfaction.

2) Have the essentials!
Make sure you have all the helpful tools to potty train. Pull-ups, training pants for when accidents are less frequent, and a training potty. I'm a fan of the ones that sit directly on top of the big toilet. It's sometimes hard for a kid to go from using the personal potties to the big toilet and many regress with everything they've learned thus far.

3) Teach them that the "Big Potty" isn't scary!
he/she knows he'll get a treat. I tried the sticker chart which is basically a calendar that you let your kid put stickers on each time he/she goes. This didn't work for me after the 3rd or 4th try but a lot of mom's I've talked to liked this alternative.

4) Get a routine down and stay persistant!
For awhile I was pausing my son with whatever he was doing, (games, eating, movies), and telling him it was time to try to use the potty. I was reminding him every 30 minutes all day long. I know doing it every half hour can be rediculously tedious but believe me, the first time Tyson ran up to me and said, "Mommy I have to use the big boy potty!" It was well worth setting the egg timer for.

5) Rewards System!
It's crucial to let your kiddos know when they're doing a good job and reward them in some kind of way when they're successfull in their task. Now for some success is achieved when the child either poops or pees in the toilet. For me, success came whenever Tyson would even attemp to try to use the toilet. He's a very stubburn child so any small step towards being potty trailed was rewarded with a treat. I usually pick up Kelloggs Yogos which are small soft balls made of yogurt. They're a wonderful alternative to candy  and other sugar filled treats. Tyson never knew the difference. You also need to remember to not let your child manipulate you by ONLY using the potty when they know they'll get a treat. You can sometimes prevent this from occuring by only giving them a treat every other time they succeed. Another idea of reward is the sticker chart. It's pretty much a calendar that you can let your child put stickers on whenver they use the potty. A lot of parents prefer this to the treat system but this didn't work for Tyson after the 2nd or 3rd time.

6) Remember no pressure!
This is probably the most important advice I could give. Potty training can be frustrating and I remember on more than one occasion feeling like a failure seeing friends and family succeeding with their kids before I did but remember, theres nothing wrong with taking awhile to train. Like I said all kids are different. Kids can feed off the irritation you put out. If need be take a step back for awhile and give yourself a chance regain the positive attitude you had when you started.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let The Games Begin!

I discovered this book after reading the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. I was obsessively searching for anything that could fill the void that was left after reading the final book, Breaking Dawn, however nothing seemed to suck me in like Edward and Bella did. I came across Stephenie Meyer's recommended reading list and The Hunger Games was one of them.

It's a bout a teenage girl, Katniss, living in a very poor district in the remains of what used to be North America. Every year, the Capitol leaders hold a competition forcing every district (there are 12 of them) to send out two 12-18 year olds to compete in what they named the Hunger Games which is broadcasted live to all the districts. Now don't let the word "games" confuse you. There is absolutely nothing fun about these games. The competitors must fight to the death to win, for themselves and their families, a life of safety and riches. Katniss and her district teammate Peeta figure out a way to defy the Capitol and their rules by faking a romance gaining viewers support. Rebellion ensues in the districts and the Capitol wants revenge. I recommend this book to anyone, any gender. Suzanne Collins found an amazing way to mix fighting, survival, romance, weapons, and even a little humor, so that virtually anyone will enjoy it.

The sequal to this book, Catching Fire, was released this month so I'm hoping to find some time in the next few days in between a teething baby, whiney toddler, and a sick and needy husband to continue what is rumored to be a trilogy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

American Ghost Hunter

For those that are into the paranormal world, Ryan Buell (founder and producer of the A&E show Paranormal State) and Chad Calek (Documentarian) are making a feature film called American Ghost Hunter.

Ryan posted on his blog May 6, 09

"I am proud and excited to finally deliver the news that Chad Calek and I are in production for an upcoming feature film. That's right, a movie. It is about the journeys we face as paranormal investigators, where we come from, and the people affected along the way. We will confront a life-long haunting that has terrorized so many, and hopefully, win the war that we've been fighting for so long. The entire journey is being filmed and soon you will be able to come along with us.This is something that Chad and I are doing together and that we have complete control over. We believe in it so much that we turned down offers to have it bought and produced by a third party. This is something we decided needed to be done ourselves. It's a privilege to be doing this with my friend, Chad."

I don't know about you but I am super excited for this movie. Paranormal State, in my oppinion, is one of few good paranormal shows. They're able to bring us into their world without coming off hokey or phoney. And did I mention Chip Coffey?

Bite Me.....Please?

Anyone else pissed they have to wait till NEXT summer for season 3 of TB? HBO's True Blood season finale "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'" aired Sept. 13th leaving 11 Million viewers desperate to find out what will come of Sookie and the rest of Bon Temp now that Psycho Marianne is gone. It just seems like such a long wait. In the end of the episode Bill proposes to an indecisive Sookie and is kidnapped while she struggles with her decision in the bathroom. I'm extremely curious to see how the 3rd Sookie Stackhouse novel "Club Dead," will be inner-twined with the show and how Alcide the Wherewolf will be introduced. I have to be honest, I'm more of an Eric fan than Bill's so I'm also very excited to see how they'll play out some of the scenes between him and Sookie.


HBO officially announced the True Blood:Season 3 will debut June of 2010 insisting that the long break will give Alan Ball time to create a quality show. I'm just going to say that it better be pretty damn good to have to wait nearly a year. I know I'm complaining but truthfully I am a devoted fan of the show and the books equally. Rest assured, no matter the wait, the TB gatherings I host to watch the show each week will indeed continue!

No Shame In My Game!

So here it is. The first post of my official blog titled Lady Shameless for the simple fact that anything I post here is done so without limitations, sensorship, or regret. As of now this site is intended to be purely for my own saticfaction, writing about my favorite books, movies, life experiences, as well as mommy advite, random news stories, and juicy gossip that I find entertaining. However, don't let that stand in your way of following me. Anyone that fancies topics like Twilight, Music, Celebrity Gossip, Movie Reviews, or the Paranormal will definately have a place here. Please don't hesitate to comment on topics, send topic ideas, or share this site with a friend.

Until next time...

Lady Shameless